About Us


To be the leading local producer and supplier of charcoal energy resources at local markets, retail stores, wholesale disrtributors and international consumers at a large scales.


Established in 2020, Lusaka Smokeless charcoal has been producing high grade quality charcoal and briquettes ideal for all thermal energy need.

  • Smoking food
  • Alcohol brewing
  • Livestock heating
  • Ideal for use in restaurants
  • Large and small manufacturing indutries

Our charcoal consistently burns hotter, cleaner and longer for up to 6 hours when compared to the traditional lump charcoal. Lusaka charcoal products are cost effective and requires less product for a more effective outcome.
We currently offer 4 main products, these being:

  • Charcoal briquettes
  • Wood lump charcoal
  • Pellets
  • Activated charcoal


All our products are made from natures natural waste which include:

  • Agricultural Waste: Sun flower, wheat and maize stalks, Annual grass cutoff, shrubs, Reeds, bamboo, switch grass, Kafue weed , maize combs e.t.c
  • Forest Waste: Annual grass cut offs, shrubs e.t.c
  • Charcoal Waste: Collection of wood charcoal wastes from charcoal sellers


A combination of modern innovative Technology and Processes have enabled us to produce high grade quality briquettes from the different wastes. Every waste form requires a different production process to create our products.


Our waste products are sourced locally from all parts of the country. To ensure the raw materials are carefully selected and identified is our major quality control requirement. Combined with Innovative Technology and Processes, we ensure selected waste inturn produces our unique range of products products.